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Environmental Policy


Environmental Policy

DS Environmental is committed to protecting and enhancing local and global environments and will ensure that its activities are carried out in a sustainable way. DS Environmental has demonstrated this commitment in its conformity to international standards and environmental regulatory compliance, as well as will continue to generate its own pollution prevention strategies and is wholly committed to working with key stakeholders within the context of its business.

This Environmental Policy Statement forms the cornerstone of all DS Environmental’s activities, from which the company operates a risk-based approach, acting to reduce risk and maximize opportunity through a measured, evaluated, and monitored methodology.

DS Environmental establishes, monitors and reviews objectives which top level management are committed to achieving. Targets are applied and embrace all employees and interested parties across DS Environmental sites to the extent deemed relevant and practicable by Executive Management.

Executive Management take responsibility in accordance with this Environmental Policy and associated legal and regulatory requirements, they further commit to ensure that adequate resources are available to assist compliance within the context of the business and to the satisfaction of all interested parties.

Executive Management shall take responsibility to continually improve the environmental management system, prevent pollution, monitor and review performance of personnel and take a leading role towards sustainability.

In recognition of DS Environmental statutory duties and in accordance with the provisions of any environmental standards and legislation, Executive Management shall take all reasonably practical measures to ensure full compliance. In particular:

  • The workplaces under its control are maintained in conditions that are designed to minimise the totality of DS Environmental’s impact on the environment.
    That equipment and systems of work are environmentally compliant.
  • Sustainability within the context of the business will be maintained through key stakeholders.
  • Provide, as necessary, information, instruction, training and supervision.
  • Consider and review as appropriate the life-cycle of the DS Environmental’s product(s) as part of the Environmental Context of DS Environmental.
  • Accept a responsibility for contributing to the protection of the environment, pollution prevention, and a commitment to ensure that DS Environmental actions will not detract from the long-term sustainability of environmental resources.
  • Set and continually review goals to minimise the impact of DS Environmental actions on the environment in our daily operations and strategic planning.
  • Implement a process of continual improvement to the environmental management system via the understanding and reviewing of risks and opportunities, environmental impacts, objectives and targets.
  • Strive to reduce waste and minimise the consumption of materials and natural resources, and where possible, aim to use recyclable materials and cleaner technologies
  • The environmental policy will be communicated to all persons working for, or on behalf of the organisation, whilecompa also being made easily and freely available to interested parties.
  • Minimise harmful emissions by ensuring that any such potential sources are regularly and systematically monitored.
  • Promote best environmental practices to all staff.
  • Consult with suppliers to minimise the negative environmental impact of goods and services provided to the DS Environmental through a quality procurement policy.
  • DS Environmental will prepare its business to deal with the impacts of climate change by understanding the associated risks and opportunities.

To date, DS Environmental has committed to a climate emergency strategy and is
taking the following related actions:

  • Completed baseline year emissions measurement as per the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
  • Committed to emissions measurement and tracking using the GreenFeet
    sustainability emissions management platform to be measured annually going forward.
  • Committed to annual reporting of GHG emissions for stakeholders.
  • Committed to setting sustainability goals and will endeavour to work with partners and suppliers with strong sustainability programs and goals to reduce
    emissions where possible.

DS Environmental reviews its environmental management system at regular intervals, sets targets and plans how to implement them for the coming period based on the responses of interested parties.

This policy is reviewed annually or as and when significant changes are made to ensure its continuing suitability. The policy is wholly endorsed by Executive Management, communicated to all staff and is readily available via the company website.