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FAQ: How often should I get my septic tank emptied?

In the first of our series of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), we start with arguably the most common question we get, “How often should I get my septic tank emptied?”

The long answer is that it depends on the property, the number of occupants, if it’s occupied all year round etc. The short answer and the general consensus is that to avoid issues with your septic tank you should try to have the tank pumped out or desludged every 1-2 years.

In doing so you’ll avoid the dreaded effects of an overfilled tank, which include:

  1. Your tank overflowing and the ground around the tank becoming damp and odorous. This is not only unpleasant to the senses but also can be costly to remedy.
  2. Wastewater can back up into your home’s plumbing causing sinks and toilets to back up, again causing unpleasant smells and potential health risks.
  3. Damage to the drain field, if the tank is full, the wastewater can damage the drain field, which can be costly to repair.


However, it is easy to forget about your septic tank. Out of sight, out of mind and it doesn’t get more out of sight than six feet underground. That’s why we at DS Environmental Services offer regular interval maintenance agreements to help keep track of when your tank cleaning may be due. Contact us today for peace of mind.


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